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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Another Special Mystery Reader - Holly Hoffman

In December, Holly Hoffman from the TV show Survivor, celebrated Polar Express Day with our class! She read The Polar Express to us via Skype, and answered all of the questions we had about her life on Survivor. She also talked to us about her life motto: Never Give Up. One week later, we received an autographed copy of the book she read, as well as individual autographs for each of the kids! How cool is that!?

Below is some information that Holly sent to me about what inspired her to audition for the TV show.

"I decided to apply for Survivor the summer of 2009 because I wanted a challenge and an adventure in my life. I was very fortunate to stay home and raise all three of our children and also started a swim team that I coached for 17 years - so basically it was something for myself. I actually wanted to see if I could get on the show. The average 100,000 people applying for the show each year so for me it was going to be a challenge just getting on. when I got the call from a casting director in LA I thought it was a joke. I deleted the call and didn't call him back. When he called me two days later, it then came to me that this is the real deal. I made the show and was fearful in the beginning. I was thinking, what did I get myself into. We were in Nicaragua and I had to survive with the clothes on my back. I wanted to quit on day 5, and was able to pull myself through and changed my attitude and started to believe in myself. I overcame the fear and sense of doubting myself and made it to the final 4, and was the last woman in the game. Since the show, I have become an inspirational speaker explaining to people what I took from the show and how important attitude, determination , desire, confidence and faith are in the real world. We are all surviving something and putting those 5 things together we can survive. I have also been traveling around the United States attending charity events for many organizations. I am loving what I am doing - inspiring and motivating others to never give up and follow their dreams."

:) Mrs. Delzer
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