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Kayla presented at the South Dakota Education Summer Conference on May 30th, 2019. Cheerfully, she arrived prompt and positive. Kayla took the time to introduce herself to the Department of Education staff. During her keynote, she effortlessly presented on a blend of topics as her photos projected with emphasis. She inspired some educators to the point of tears. Her passion shone through her relationship with her students was one to admire. Towards the end, Kayla was met with a standing ovation.  
- Yutzil Becker, South Dakota Department of Education 

Our program enjoyed having Kayla come speak for preservice this year. Not only did Kayla connect with teachers, she also made connection with other program staff (cooks, administration, family advocates, etc).  She engaged staff, involved them, and left everyone with a full heart ready for the 2019-2020 school year.  When Kayla finished speaking, a loud clap filled the room followed by a standing ovation.  Kayla inspired Head Start, and we are grateful for her and the children in our program will greatly benefit because of her.
- Lindsey Burkhardt, Administrator, Head Start Program

Kayla, thank you so much for a beautiful, authentic and inspiring keynote. It spoke to me so much and I could not have asked for a more perfect start to the conference and my dreams! I hope you will stay connected and we'll work together many times more. BIG LOVE TO YOU!
-Misty Malone, Founder, Empower Educators Conference

When you don't want to leave a session because it's so good! Kayla is so full of love and joy and inspiration! Every teacher needs to hear her message.
-Tiffany Cheadle, Kindergarten Teacher 

Our staff thoroughly enjoyed everything you had to share! You have an amazing spirit and it is clear you not only speak about doing what's best for kids, but actually put it into practice. You are changing the lives of students and educators daily. Thank you for your expertise and service. 
- Carmen Tubbs, Principal, Wahpeton Public Schools

Best keynote I've heard in a long time! Thanks for the inspiration!
- Karan Bliske, 2nd Grade Teacher

Thank you for keynoting and presenting at our conference! Your message was very well received. Thanks for everything you do for kiddos, teachers, and education!
- Kara, Josh and the Tech Team, This is It2 Conference

The perfect keynote speaker for yesterday's Long Island TechEd Conference in Meliville. Learned some interesting new techniques and encouraged me to continue the path that I've decided to take my teaching. Thank you, Kayla!
- Anna Mccarroll, Long Island TechEd Conference

I have used so many ideas you shared with my team and many others. This old teacher (34 years in the classroom) learned a lot!
-Karen Hummer, 4th Grade Teacher, Franklin Elementary School

Kayla has an incredible platform to work from and she shares it all so unselfishly. Her focus is a better tomorrow for students and educators everywhere and that is exactly why she's such an inspiration to us all! 
-Dustin Ecker, 4 Grade Teacher, Grassy Creek Elementary School

Kayla Dornfeld visited the East Moline School District on August 12, 2019. She gave the keynote at our back to school convocation titled: Reimagining Education: Students as Teachers and Teachers as Learners. The impact she made on our district will be hard to be put into words. The crowd of approximately 315 people laughed, cried,
laughed, and cried some more. Kayla’s personal touch to her keynote made it an emotional and powerful experience for all in attendance. Kayla spoke to the East Moline School District about redesigning classrooms, technology, and a whole lot of relationships. Kayla impacted the mindset of our educators about the importance of relationships between students and each other. Ninety-two percent of the staff stated that Kayla’s keynote has improved the mindset and culture in each of the district’s buildings. There is a different feel in our district because of Kayla. Kayla was the first keynote speaker that our school district has had in several years. A district survey went out to our staff members asking for feedback regarding Kayla’s keynote and our first day inservice, and the feedback was astounding. One staff member stated, “This was an amazing speaker. She was fun, vibrant, and had a lot of valuable information to share!”. Another responded with, “That was the first beginning of the school year meeting I've been to in years that I loved! What a positive way to start the year!” At the end of Kayla’s keynote, our entire district rose to a standing ovation. As I looked out into the crowd, teachers had wide smiles on their faces or tears of joy streaming down their cheeks as they clapped in appreciation. Let me be clear in stating, I have never witnessed this type of response to a first day inservice during my time serving in the East Moline School District. Kayla Dornfeld is extraordinary. I encourage you to invite her to your school district. She is real. She is currently in the trenches working in a classroom herself practicing she strategies that she will encourage your school district to implement. Kayla will empower your school district in ways that are hard to describe. Your teachers will be motivated and inspired, and in turn...your students will be impacted in positive ways, and that is what matters! Thank you, Kayla for making a difference in our district. Thank you for coming to the East Moline School District to help us change the lives of those who come into our path.
-Cami Tapscott, Administrative Intern, East Moline School District #37, East Moline, Illinois

Kayla Dornfeld
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[name=Kayla Dornfeld] [img=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiSZRDonCpADIVNDUHPkYw0mzJWDalDwj6-l8Dn1EBtlzL9_AMdJwZzcs-BQzHLto1vsFbR1JUN2zUMujD4J9VIBBfxegeXUAIFR9kLrbSgIwwGpdaD9wJVieV33Gik2d-8JBR6Z-FSUP16/s1600/authorbox.png] [description=2019 North Dakota Teacher of the Year. Mrs. West Fargo International. Internationally Awarded 3rd Grade Teacher. CEO. Global Keynote Speaker. Author. Flexible Seating Pioneer. TEDx Talk Speaker. 2018 Sioux Award Winner. Innovative Education Task Force Leader.]

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