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Saturday, November 9, 2013


Pumpkin Day 2013 was a huge success! I had over 100 pictures, and I had to narrow it down to a little over 50 for this post! Make sure you scroll all the way down to the bottom to see all of the good stuff! :) 

We learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin and did tons of science and math activities with our pumpkins. We even had a pumpkin taste test and found out we all actually like pumpkin flavor! 

Amazing! Max had the heaviest pumpkin at 23lbs and also the tallest at over 13 cubes tall! Tyler's pumpkin had the most seeds with over 700 seeds! WOW!!!

Yes, that is pumpkin jelly!!! :)

Becca's pumpkin weighed exactly 10 pounds!

This was Max's reaction to finding out that even though his pumpkin weighed 23lbs, it still floats because of the air inside the pumpkin! So cool!!!

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  1. Ahh so cute!! Your kids are awesome!! Who knew so much learning could come from one plant huh?
    Our pumpkins definitely don't look like that here in New Zealand. They are either a grey colour, or green. And they are pretty much eaten as pumpkin soup, or roasted! I would love to try all those other things you had up there!!
    Learning to be Awesome!"

  2. Wow! A comment from a teacher all the way over in New Zealand! Very cool! Pumpkin Day was amazing! Thanks for your comment! I love your blog, too! :)


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