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Thursday, December 11, 2014

#TIES14 Conference

On Monday and Tuesday, I was able to speak and attend the 2014 TIES Technology Conference in Minneapolis. Every year, I leave this conference with my head spinning full of ideas. Here were some major ah-ha moments for me this year:
  • Positive emotions make us resilient.
  • Kids need to be inspired to be creative throughout your entire school day, not just one hour per day or week. 
  • The biggest game changer in education is a teacher that sees themself as an innovator.
  • We are educating more than better students. We are educating better people.
  • Everyone in every classroom and school is a learner, and also a teacher.
  • Isolation is now a choice teachers make.
  • Technology will never replace great teachers. But, technology in the hands of great teachers will become transformational.
  • Teachers need to ask questions that can't be answered simply by Google.
  • Anything you can say to a student, you can say online.
  • Instead of asking "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Ask, "What problems do you want to solve?"
  • Creative people do not think outside of the box. They don't have a box!
  • Do we as teachers praise compliance or creativity?
  • Schools need to be ready for kindergartners, not the other way around.
As I mentioned, this year I presented two different sessions. I was absolutely overwhelmed by the number of people that came to hear me speak, tweeted me during my session, and lined up afterwards to meet and get pictures with me. I felt like a rockstar-education-celebrity throughout the entire conference, which was sort of a new, surreal, silly feeling for me to have! About 200 people attended my iPads for Primary Learners session on Tuesday! 200 people! How cool is that? When I was telling my students about it today, they told me, "Mrs. Delzer, you were so brave!" I told them I loved every second of it! It is so empowering as an educator to not only know I am shaping the lives of my students, but also the students of 200 other educators. WOW!

Click these links to go to my session resource

It was awesome meeting these amazing educators for the first time face to face, and so fun to get pictures with them! 

I also have to give a huge thanks to Mr. George Couros for taking time out of his crazy, hectic schedule to chat with me about anything and everything. I met him last year at TIES briefly, and we were able to keep in touch throughout the year. I am now very lucky to call him a personal friend. If you have never heard him speak, you need to stop whatever you're doing and listen to his TED Talk. Like now. He has been the single best keynote I have ever listened to, and he has had the biggest professional influence on my career as an educator. During his sessions, you will laugh, cry, and leave feeling completely inspired and ready to change the world. You can read some of my takeaways from his sessions in the Storify below. While you're at it, give him a follow on Twitter @gcouros. You won't be disappointed.

My roomies for the weekend were Angie Olson from Lucky Little Learners, and Sheila Ziegler. You might remember my post about how I met Angie on our trip to the Midwest Blogger Meet Up. That was the first time we met face to face. I can't tell you how much she supports me and inspires me. She is my teaching soul sister and the peanut butter to my jelly. Sheila kept us laughing all weekend. She is such a doll!

The icing on the cake during this conference? I became an auntie right after my session on Monday. Meet Kaysen Thomas Dickerson. In less than 2 weeks I will be out in Oregon snuggling him up. Isn't he perfect!?

Is it too soon to start a countdown to #TIES15?

Kayla Dornfeld
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