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Saturday, February 7, 2015


In January, I was asked to guest moderate a Twitter chat about Integrating Technology in Today's Classrooms. Of course I jumped on the opportunity, and I can't wait to do it again! Technology infusion is a topic that I am extremely passionate about, and I enjoyed putting together the questions for the evening and connecting with all sorts of educators to compare thinking and philosophies. Here is a link to the chat, in case you want to take a peek.

An overall takeaway for me was that technology allows us to create experiences for our kids that were never before imaginable. Also, an inferior teacher with all the best technology in the world will still be an inferior teacher. However, putting technology in the hands of a passionate and forward thinking teacher can be transformational.

#ndedchat happens every Wednesdsay night at 9pm CST. I hope you'll join us soon! As Kelly Rexine (co-founder of #ndedchat) says, your students will reap all the benefits!
Kayla Dornfeld
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[name=Kayla Dornfeld] [img=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiSZRDonCpADIVNDUHPkYw0mzJWDalDwj6-l8Dn1EBtlzL9_AMdJwZzcs-BQzHLto1vsFbR1JUN2zUMujD4J9VIBBfxegeXUAIFR9kLrbSgIwwGpdaD9wJVieV33Gik2d-8JBR6Z-FSUP16/s1600/authorbox.png] [description=2019 North Dakota Teacher of the Year. Mrs. West Fargo International. Internationally Awarded 3rd Grade Teacher. CEO. Global Keynote Speaker. Author. Flexible Seating Pioneer. TEDx Talk Speaker. 2018 Sioux Award Winner. Innovative Education Task Force Leader.]

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