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Sunday, December 4, 2016

Scheduling Parent Teacher Conferences with Bloomz

If you’re a frequent reader of this blog, you know I am a big fan of tools that help simplify the many responsibilities of teachers. It’s parent teacher conference season, and scheduling parent teacher conferences is no small task. With the busy schedules of parents, students, administrators, and teachers, it often requires multiple notes or calls home to finally get a time slot that works for everyone involved. With Bloomz, setting up conferences takes literally two minutes or less, and the process is seamless.

As a side note, in my classroom students actually run the conference, so the time a parent selects must work for everyone involved, including the student (who is the ultimately the most important part of the conference). Look for a blog post or EdSurge column in the future about how my students facilitate these conferences.

Bloomz has put together a really short tutorial about how to use the Parent Teacher Conference scheduler within the app or website.

Parents can see all the available time slots, and even set reminders for themselves to notify them about their upcoming conference. When signing up, parents can leave a note for the teacher to prepare them beforehand about specific topics they’d like to discuss, or if they have a special request like having a translator present. Parents can also easily reschedule right within the app. If parents are not on Bloomz, teachers can block out spots for them to reserve them a time slot.

Here are some other frequently asked questions and answers:

How do I add different dates with different Start Times and End Times in one conference?
  1. Please add all the dates on which you have the conference by clicking Add Another Date.
  2. Input the Start Time and End Time, which is common for most of the dates.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the SLOTS screen, scroll to the date which has a different Start Date and/or End Time.
  5. Delete the slots which are not needed for that Dates or click Add Another Opening and add the extra slots for that date.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the Recipients.
  8. Click Done.
  9. Click Send.

Did you invite only few parents to the Parent Teacher Conference that you set up,  to give them the first preference to sign up? Do you want to invite the rest of the class now? Follow these steps:
  1. Tap on the My Calendar icon in the bottom menu of the Home screen.
  2. Click on the Parent Teacher Conference event that you created in the Calendar feed.
  3. Click on the Options in the top right corner.
  4. Click Invite More People in the menu.
  5. Select All members of <class name>.
  6. Tap Done.
  7. You’ll see the Message to Parents screen with the recipients in the To field.
  8. Edit the message that is sent to the parents in the email.
  9. Click Send.
  10. You’ll see the successfully created message and the details of the conference. The email Invitation, the post in the home feed, and the invitation in the calendar feed is sent only to the parents who have been invited this time.

Can a parent sign up for multiple slots?
Yes. When you click on the Sign Up button of a second time slot, then you will see this message pop up: “You have already signed up for a slot. Do you want to proceed signing up for another slot?” Clicking Yes will allow you to sign for another slot.

How do I print the conference schedule?

After all the parents in your class have signed up for the conference, Follow these steps to print the complete schedule:
  1. Click on the Conference you created.
  2. Click Options in the top right corner of the Event Details screen.
  3. Click Print in the Event options.
  4. A PDF will be downloaded to your computer.
  5. Open the PDF and print it out.

I’ll be writing one more post about Bloomz over the next month to share even more about this app. Be sure to check back, and leave any questions or comments you have below.

This is a sponsored blog post. All thoughts are my own.
Kayla Dornfeld
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