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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday Smorgasbord

Happy Sunday blogger friends! 
I am linking up with Fabulous in First for a Sunday Smorgasbord of random! 

1. If you are on Facebook, you need to like Tori's Teacher Tips and get in on the sweet Blog Hop she is hosting! There are 23 amazing second grade teachers that are giving away different products from math, to classroom management and literacy for FREE! This hop ends tonight so hustle over there and snatch up your freebies! 

Click the Blog Hop button below for more info and a list of teachers participating! They are very generous! Thank you!!!

2. I saw this on Twitter and then on Pinterest! I love a lot of the ideas and pinned it right when I saw it! Click the picture below to go to my Pinterest and see all of the clever tips for elementary teachers. While you're at it, feel free to follow me! :)

3. Here is another pin for some Mexican Queso that I made back to back nights this weekend! My husband's parents were in town helping us build a deck on our house and taking in some fair action! I made it Friday night as a snack and it was so good that I made it again for a BBQ last night with the Attigs!  We played bag toss, frisbee golf, ate wayyyy too much yummy food, played in the yard and had a bonfire! The temperature and company was perfect! :)

Here is the pin, and a picture of their sweet daughter, Ella and me having a perfect Saturday night! Isn't she precious? :)

Thanks for sharing your Sunday with me! Have a fabulous day! :)

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  1. Replies
    1. You are SO welcome! Thanks for sharing your stuff for FREE! :)


  2. Thanks for the shout out!! Now following you! :)
    Tori's Teacher Tips

    1. Yay! Thanks for following and stopping by! :)


  3. Ca-uuute blog! I've just found it through the linky and started following along... I'm off to stalk your pinterest page now haha!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

    1. Thank you! I just made some changes to it for the new school year, and I'm happy with how it turned out too! :)

      Thanks for visiting and following! :)



[name=Kayla Dornfeld] [img=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiSZRDonCpADIVNDUHPkYw0mzJWDalDwj6-l8Dn1EBtlzL9_AMdJwZzcs-BQzHLto1vsFbR1JUN2zUMujD4J9VIBBfxegeXUAIFR9kLrbSgIwwGpdaD9wJVieV33Gik2d-8JBR6Z-FSUP16/s1600/authorbox.png] [description=2019 North Dakota Teacher of the Year. Mrs. West Fargo International. Internationally Awarded 3rd Grade Teacher. CEO. Global Keynote Speaker. Author. Flexible Seating Pioneer. TEDx Talk Speaker. 2018 Sioux Award Winner. Innovative Education Task Force Leader.]

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