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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

2015 EDExpo ~ Top 10!

Hi friends and families!  Last weekend, I had the honor of being selected to attend the EdExpo in Atlanta last week along with 50 other bloggers from around the country! I need to give a huge shout out to Sherron Washington for organizing it all! It was a fabulous weekend full of blogger meet-ups, site seeing, and lots of time to chat with teachers. I can't wait to share more about it with you! My task at the Expo was to walk around the rows and rows of vendors, chat with them, try their products, and make a list of the top 10 products that I felt were most useful in the classroom today. Once each of us made our personal top 10 list, the lists were compiled to make a top 10 list for the entire expo.  It was a very cool experience to give my opinions and input to these vendors and it is so fun for me to be able to share these products with you, my readers! Today, I'm honored to share the overall top 10 list with you (there are actually 12 products because there were 2 ties).

Remember, to learn more about any of the images, you can just click right on the image to be directed to the product website. If you are interested in purchasing any of the products shown above, please visit the Edmarket page to find a local retailer near you OR an online retailer - just click the picture below to head over now! 

Kayla Dornfeld
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[name=Kayla Dornfeld] [img=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiSZRDonCpADIVNDUHPkYw0mzJWDalDwj6-l8Dn1EBtlzL9_AMdJwZzcs-BQzHLto1vsFbR1JUN2zUMujD4J9VIBBfxegeXUAIFR9kLrbSgIwwGpdaD9wJVieV33Gik2d-8JBR6Z-FSUP16/s1600/authorbox.png] [description=2019 North Dakota Teacher of the Year. Mrs. West Fargo International. Internationally Awarded 3rd Grade Teacher. CEO. Global Keynote Speaker. Author. Flexible Seating Pioneer. TEDx Talk Speaker. 2018 Sioux Award Winner. Innovative Education Task Force Leader.]

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